Our goal is to help find solution based action in the fight against crime.
Through our experienced forensic DNA experts and key opinion leaders, we offer the data and policy information needed to make DNA database strategy decisions in the following ways:
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
This page is dedicated to our network of people
united against crime in Africa: Change advocates, lobbyists,
forensic scientists, researchers and humanitarians.
DNAforAfrica's objective is to highlight the importance of DNA sampling
when it comes to fighting violent crime, human trafficking, sexual assault and missing persons cases. Advocacy in this arena is very low in Africa and we believe that by amplifying each other's voices,
we can make our message clear.
Click on each picture to learn more about each DNA Crusader's work.

Sharlene has worked in the South African Forensic Science Lab. for 30 years and has given DNA testimony in approximately 600 cases including the murder of Marike de Klerk, wife of a former state president, the Fairhead murders, the triple axe murder of the Van Breda family as well as the high profile murder of Susan Rhode.
Lt Col. Sharlene Otto
Lieutenant Colonel