Forensic identification of human bodies is challenging, especially in mass disaster incidents. Immediate sample collection is crucial due to rapid body degradation. DNA degradation in biological samples accelerates during decay, especially in high temperatures and humidity, impacting DNA amplification and STR profiling success rates. Careful collection and preservation of biological material are vital for successful DNA analysis in forensic cases. While storing samples at low temperatures or freezing is common, the development of preservative solutions addresses challenges in limited facilities. These solutions allow storage at various temperatures, facilitating DNA analysis across different sample types.
In this paper entitled 'Assessing the feasibility of free DNA for disaster victim identification and forensic applications' by Worrapitirungsi, W., Sathirapatya, T., Sukawutthiya, P. et al. Sci Rep 14, 5411 (2024), the authors demonstrate the reliability of free DNA for disaster victim identification and forensic analyses, offering promising applications in various fields. READ HERE
